Media Communication Policy

Media Communication Policy

  1. Board Statement

1.1 This organisation has a commitment towards openness and accountability, which extends to dealing openly with the media. This policy is designed to ensure that information is given in a clear way.

  1. Aim of the Policy

2.1      The media is one of the most influential factors in communicating with the general public. The reputation of the organisation as perceived by our stakeholders can be hugely influenced by the media.

2.2      This policy will assist the board and management in the implementation of procedures in dealing with the media.

2.3      The following principles of communication should be applied consistently when communicating with the media.

3. General Usage

3.1 Contact with the media should be viewed as providing valuable opportunities to promote the organisation’s service, achievements and successes.

3.2      As a general rule, the board should know about issues concerning the organisation before the media.

3.3      The organisation will always aim to make appropriate use of the media to:

  • Raise public awareness of its services and moral commitments
  • Promote good news stories to build its reputation
  • Celebrate its successes publicly and inform the public about future changes to services.

4. Negative News

The organisation aims to always be prepared and ready to respond to organisational related issues as they present themselves. This means that there are systems in place to enable speedy assembly, preparation and dissemination of required information.

4.2      In order to achieve this positive response to negative situations, training in communication skills and in specialist media skills for elected board members must take place at induction or alternatively at a suitable time arranged by the board.

4.3      This organisation recognises the need to strike the right balance between the promotion of the positive and honesty about shortfalls or unavoidable negative news.

5. Contact with the Media

All media queries should be routed through the board communication representative or elected spokes person. The organisation’s attitude to the media is to be open, honest and helpful with due regard to commitments.

5.2      If the organisation receives a media related enquiry the reporter should be sign posted or passed on to the elected spokes person(s).

5.3      Any official statement should be approved by the board.

Receiving  a Media Enquiry

6.1 Make a note of the person contacting the organisation including their name, number, position and organisation and let them know that someone will contact them.

6.2 The Chief Executive/Director should be informed in order to determine who and how the query will be dealt with.

6.3      If the query is for factual information about a non-controversial issue, the task of responding to the query may be delegated.

6.4      If the query relates to a controversial or sensitive issue, then the Chair (or in their absence the person in a deputised role should be responsible for the response).

7. Monitoring and Review

7.1      The Senior Pastor/Chief Executive will be responsible for monitoring compliance with this policy.  The policy will be reviewed 1 year from implementation or last review date.